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I am a security researcher - author -I’m a modern high tech security lowlife. A veteran for the millennium. Digital and smoke free addictive to troll science. A diversified multicultural postmodern cyber warrior deconstructionist. Politically anatomically and ecologically incorrect. Just because I’m peaceful, don’t take that as a weakness- cause I’ve been uplinked and downloaded. I’ve been inputted and outsourced. I know the upside of downsizing. I know the downside of upgrading. A cutting edge state-of-the-art bicoastal multitasker; and I can give you a gigabyte of bandwidth in a nanosecond with IP statistics. I’m new wave, but I’m a old school rocker, and my inner child is outward bound. I’m a hot wired heat seeking warm hearted cool customer and a cyber freedom revolutionary gray hat. Voice and biometric activated and biodegradable. I interface from a mysql database, and send my packets to the cloud via a construct of the cyber-space matrix -via nEo, so I’m interactive. I’m hyperactive and from time-to-time I’m a Asperger hacker radioactive. Behind the eight ball, head of the curve, riding the cyber security wave, dodging a DoS-ing, pushing the envelope but deep packet sniffing and packing. I’m on point, on task, on message, and off drugs, is it 420 yet.

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