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Salt Lake City, UT

I started coding at about age 8 on an Apple II with a friend when we decided the Lemonade Stand game just wasn't awesome enough. Since then I have had deep exposure to C, C++, Java, C# and JavaScript. I have recently taken a deeper interest in Python, F# and PowerShell.

Currently the Director of IT & Software Development at Barco Rent-a-Truck and co-founder of Aritus Computer Services, my own successful consulting firm. I continue to demonstrate excellent leadership, technical skills, and deep experience across all aspects of software engineering and IT operations, having excelled in many industries like Aerospace, Branding, Energy, Healthcare, Marketing, Retail, and Software. Often on the leading edge of technology and with extensive experience developing with many products in the Microsoft and Linux stacks. My three best qualities are:

  • People skills: I am not just a stereotypical introverted engineer. I can work comfortably in groups, present to any gathering of people and generally provide a valuable bridge into the technical world. I actively participate in local user groups and regularly present at various conferences and events.
  • Ability to understand the technology stack / systems, how they work and integrate together. Very few systems live in isolation these days - it is important to understand not only how to make them talk, but also understand the communication between them.
  • Wide range of skills and talents. With over two decades of industry experience I can sit down to most any task and pick the right set of tools and get the job done.

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