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Brisbane, Australia

I started using Stack Overflow while working on JBoss Application Server 7, also known downstream as Red Hat Enterprise Application Platform 6. We were also building an internal technical writing startup project, hence the majority of my answers around that era focus on app servers and content tools.

During this time, I explored using Stack Overflow as an upstream community to rapidly answer questions as we were building the alpha and beta releases. This experience was highly enjoyable influenced my AS 7 documentation, which ultimately became the official Red Hat documentation for EAP 6. And during that experience, our startup project took over most of Red Hat's software documentation.

I've since focused that interest in technical writing to found Corilla, an authoring and publishing tool for technical writers. I mention part of this journey in my advice Tips for Documentation Beginners response.

If you have any questions about technical writing, content publishing product development, or open source hustle, I'm here to help.

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